What IPPFoRB offers
Workshops and training
Knowledge base and expertise
Tools to evaluate legislation for FORB
Resources to help engagement with their government or media on issues of FORB
Access to international case studies and approaches
Opportunity to join in collective advocacy and action
Personnel to assist with growing the capacity of government departments to deal with FORB
Mentoring and leadership development for emerging parliamentarians interested in becoming FORB advocates
International co-operation and connection
The Oslo Charter
All participating parliamentarians commit to accomplishing shared goals of advancing freedom of religion or belief, as outlined below in the Oslo Charter:
Promote freedom of religion or belief for all persons through their work and respective institutions;
Enhance global cooperation by endeavouring to work across geographical, political, and religious lines; and
Undertake efforts to jointly promote freedom of religion or belief, share information, and mobilize effective responses.
The Oslo Charter guides the work of parliamentarians joining the network and commits them to action. Towards this goal, we:
Respond to cases where religious freedom is threatened.
Encourage the formation of national groupings of parliamentarians committed to combatting religious persecution and advancing freedom of religion or belief.
Support parliamentarians around the world who stand up for religious freedom often at significant personal risk to themselves.
There is no official IPPFORB office, parliamentarians participate as individuals not representing their parliament or government.