FoRB in a Podcast! International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB) Launches the Podcast Series "FoRB and Politics"
August 10, 2023 — The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB) is proud to introduce an original podcast series: "FoRB and Politics" in collaboration with the Freedom of Religion or Belief Leadership Network, FoRBLN.
This three-part series explores Freedom of Religion or Belief (#FoRB) as an inseparable part of human rights discourse. Focusing on two key countries in Western Africa, The Gambia and Sierra Leone, the podcast offers a deep dive into the narratives of these nations hailed as models of religious coexistence despite facing challenges in their journey to protect and promote freedom of religion or belief.
The podcast seeks to inspire parliamentarians in their unwavering mission to champion the right to freedom of religion or belief for everyone everywhere. Through exposure to diverse narratives, they will improve their human rights competence and cultivate innovative approaches to address challenges related to implementing initiatives fostering this human right. This podcast comes from the heart of IPPFoRB, emphasizing our network of parliamentarians as a dynamic nexus of collaboration and shared enlightenment.
Von Kommunikasjon and IPPFoRB Secretariat produced the series, with our host Liv Hernæs Kvanvig leading the conversation. The music is by Lee Rosevere, and the theme song is by Alon Peretz.
“This series is an enlightening journey that emphasizes the universality and centrality of FoRB in shaping just, tolerant, and democratic societies. It’s a testament to our commitment to fostering dialogue, understanding, and collaboration with our partners and the parliamentarians members of IPPFoRB network.”
Episode 1
FoRB Foundations: Navigating Human Rights with Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefedt
In this episode, we delve into the vital topic of freedom of religion or belief, commonly known as FoRB, and its integral role in the human rights landscape. Our honored guest, Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefedt, former UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, guides us through fundamental concepts, frameworks, and challenges surrounding this crucial human right.
Episode 3
FoRB and Society: Sierra Leone's Path to Religious Coexistence
In the last episode of the series, we welcome guests Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeld and Ms. Hawa Sally Samai, who will illuminate Sierra Leone's unique path toward a peaceful society and reflect on the role of parliamentarians in this process. Explore the depths of Sierra Leone's tumultuous history and witness the good practices of freedom of religion or belief amid challenging times. Engage in a fascinating conversation with these insightful professionals as they unveil the underlying factors and cultural dynamics that have fostered Sierra Leone's resilience and the enduring cases of preservation of individuals’ freedoms of religion or belief.
Episode 2
FoRB and Democracy: A Conversation with Parliamentarians on FoRB and the Road to Democratic Renewal in the Gambia
This episode explores The Gambia's complex history, where a dictatorship sought to control and manipulate religious institutions while suppressing freedom of religion or belief in the country. Explore the profound impact of the Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparations Commission (TRRC) recommendations on rebuilding The Gambia, and hear from Hon Amadou Camara and Hon. Abdoulie Ceesay as they discuss the challenges and their role as parliamentarians in implementing freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) initiatives for a more inclusive and peaceful nation.
New podcast episodes premiere weekly. We're excited to present the inaugural episode today. Stay tuned!
Join us in exploring freedom of religion or belief, human rights, and political landscapes in Africa.
For media inquiries or more information, please contact:
Sara Machado, Communications and Advocacy Advisor, International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB), Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) +47 453 80822 /